Thursday, 4 June 2009

Global warming (Project 7)

Global warming is a serious issue that effects our environment and the planet we live in. in order to save our planet and our lives we need to understand about global warming and its effects on our planet. Unfortunately there are many causes and effects for global warming and in this essay I’m going to summarize what I understood about this issue and I hope that it could help us be more aware and cautious about this problem.

What is Global Warming?

The greenhouse gases are produced by human activities. some of these greenhouse gases end up in the atmosphere, where they trap a certain amount of originally solar energy (which would have otherwise escaped to space), sending this energy back to the Earth raising the planet’s average temperature. Some call this " Thermal Blanket"

What causes Global Warming?

There are several natural causes that influence the temperature of our planet, yet the main reason behind this problem is caused by human activities.

The main immediate global warming cause is the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

first global warming cause is the use the modern human society of the burning of fossil fuels, which is the most important source of greenhouse gas emissions.
The second global warming cause is related to the way we use our land. The three greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide .

How could Global Warming affect us in the future?

Many scientists agree that certain consequences are likely to occur if current trends continue. Among these:
· Melting glaciers.
· Rising sea levels will lead to coastal floods and hurricanes.
· new diseases.
· Disruption of animal habitats could drive many plant and animal species to extinction.

How to Solve Global Warming issue?
They are simple things, but can make a difference if everyone does them!
· Re-cycle glass bottles,newspapers and magazines and tin cans. Save them and take them to local re-cycling centres.

· Re-use plastic shopping bags and envelopes, don't get new ones
· Use paper on both sides.
· Try and buy products that don't use much packaging.
· Give unwanted gifts and clothes to a charity shop.
· Don't leave the TV or video on standby.
· Share your car with your friends to college or work.
· Switch lights off when you're not in the room
· Have showers instead of baths

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