Today, our teacher gave us a site to enter and he asked us about what are we using and our normal days. And I found that I’m one of the big consumers of the earth and I got about 4.86 which means like we live in 4.86 planets but we only have one. That site asked me many questions and then to figure and calculate my percentages that exist on earth. The whole class did the same thing in the same site to calculate the percentages; means example I found that I got 4.86 and friend Mohamed got 2.96 which he is better than me. Another one of my classmates got 3.77 which is also better than me. Everyone got different percentages between each other and this thing depends on everyone’s lifestyle. So many friends consumed a lot and the other almost used nothing. Nowadays, most of the people consume a lot of things, more than what we need. For example, some of them buy a lot of foods and stuff but if he takes what he needs it will be less than a half. So this person is one of the considered people. Another example for consumer people where there are many people leave their home and keep the electricity on like air-conditioning and lights. That kind of people will reduce the resources of the earth which will affect our health in the future. I hope that the people should think before they do anything and I also hope that people should take this issue seriously because if they don't take care of it right now it will be a big issue in the future.
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